Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Diary of Eric Kriske, Chicago Mafia Skins

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  • http://cmsexposed.blogspot.com
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  • http://pastebin.com/wN1m8ANx
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    Name: Eric Kriske
    Address: 6320 N Sayre Ave,
    Phone Number: 773 401 5680

    Eric in his own words!
    • Message 1: Eric Scott says "No Blacks or Mexicans" allowed in CMS
    • Message 2: Discussion between Eric Scott and Conor Looby,the leader of chi-town 77's(2957 N Pulaski Rd).The latter being particularly interesting, as it touches on the issues of womens roles in, and how they plan to strategically build a future for, their crews. "women, who are not our girlfriends, only belong around us to suck dick or open beers"
    • Message 3: Conversation with Richard dean Cummings of chi-town 77's. Originally from springfield. Eric desperately tries to urge to unite against anti-racists after fearing for CMS's most probable destruction and Richard urges him to keep all this on the down low for their safety. ‚ÄúDirect action needs to be taken. Everybody needs to be accounted for‚Äù
    • Message 4: Eric Scott uses facebook to warn someone named Jimmy Trejo of Anti-racists and describes a brutal beat down of 77's
    • Message 5: Eric tries facebook chatting with Juliet(4684 Miles Dr Holt, MI 48842), a nazi who dates Michael Peterson AKA Ragnar, and is involved with the wotansvolk alliance. Instead, Ragnar and Eric exchange some unfriendly words. ‚ÄúFirst off bro I aint no Sharp and I have more respect within the Nationalist skinhead/ right wing scene then you will ever. Ask around, Im a Chicago bootboy and I can hang out with all the gooks I want.‚Äù
    • Message 6: Eric ordering merchandise from white power websites
    • Message 7: Pablo Wolfe and Erich Scott talk Ron Paul, Trial, and Warns of Anti-Racist
    • Message 8: Eric Scott to Conor Looby (77s) in a frantic rage over South Side ARA's recent post exposing Eric, CMS and 77's. ‚ÄúIf these cunts destroy us then fuck it's all lost‚Äù
    • Message 9: Eric Scott tells a neo-nazi to delete an interview that may be ‚Äútaken the wrong way"
    • Message 10: Eric refers to Nazi Suzie ‚ÄúPincushion‚Äù Lenner as ‚Äúthis fat chick‚Äù in a conversation with Melanie Jackson
    • Message 11: Eric talks to Suzie "Pincushion" Lenner of the Chicago/Milwaukee NSM
    • Message 12: Conversation with Pablo Wolfe about lying at trial
    • Message 13: Flirty conversation with Juliet(Grand Rapids, MI nazi)
    • Message 14: Conversations between Eric Scott and Michael Scarn (3217 Keating Apartment 3a)
    • Message 15: Conversations with Eric and a punk named Justin Crampton
    • Message 16: Eric talks about how CMS is unorganized and incapable of handling this ARA situation.
    • Message 17: Eric tells Michael Scarn that they will fight SHOC next time they see them
    • Message 18: Eric Scott tells Theresa McMoet to beat up random punk girl, and that the rat is "on the 77 side‚Äù
    • Message 19: Eric Scott told by Robbie Blood (77s) to "remove all photos of 77s"
    • Message 20: Eric Scott telling "knightofvinland@gmail.com" about their new Thor's Hammer CMS logo
    • Message 21: Eric Scott goes on an anti-muslim rant saying "people need to grow some balls and stand up to them and tell them fuck off"
    • Message 22: Eric complaints to Conor Looby(77s) of the heat he is feeling from anti-racists
    • Message 23: Eric says he has "no connection to black culture" and he likes his music "angry, white, right-wing and loud"
    • Message 24: Eric and Mickey give each other a hard time for having sex with "non whites"

    Part 1: Eric Scott on CMS Facebook group

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    Mafia skinheads, is a predominate white working class skinhead gang, that is neither red nor nazi, drug free, and members are independent to beliefs with in the mob; but we do not tolerate any left-wing idealists what so ever or fanatical racists because their agenda is not our agenda. We operate with in the Chicago punk rock/skinhead scene and do as we please freely, and if we decide to hang out elsewhere subculture wise that is okay to. We have no boundaries.

    If you...

    Support Marxism and defend human rights: go join the South side ARA and shoot yourself.

    Support blowing up buildings for some revolution, and killing people because the color of their skin: go join the Ku Klux klan, IRA or a White power militia.

    Now if you like punk rock/ metal/skinhead gigs, take pride in you race or just yourself, keeping positive mentally, being rowdy, cracking a white or black dude in the mouth for being a cunt and not ignorance, Drinking from dust till dawn while listing to rac,oi,punk, or ska, and shagging then I guess you fit in with the mafia skins.

    Like I said before Mafia skins are a predominate white working class skinhead gang but as long as your at least 75 percent of European decent then you're fine. AKA no blacks or Mexicans. If not well hang out with you but we are the only gang in this city that is white and we would like to keep it that way. Also were drug free so keep your drugs to the bathroom for you older guys. New members will not get the luxury of doing that bullshit from here on. Also taking a puff from ONLY from Kyle is okay. The governor ~ Eric Scott

    Part 2: Conversation between Conor Looby(77s) and Eric Scott(CMS)

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    <ronoc77@yahoo.com> to <cmseric2007@yahoo.com> To:
    First off Eric, thank you for taking the time to address this issue from Saturday. I suppose I like to think that I understand more about how things currently function in CMS than I actually know. Further more, I like to think that CMSs strength is higher than it may really be. I dont mean to say that you or your crew is weak, but rather I wish to think that you and all members of CMS are united and that all members work as a single unit. Ultimately, I know this is not true despite my best wishes that CMS would function this way.

    I may not know the precise relationships between you and other members who are also CMS, such as Andrew, Kyle, Bob, and Matt D and etc. However, I can only interpret there is not a level of respect and unity between these men and yourself who also make up CMS. This unsettling thought was illustrated by Andrews destruction of your fan that same evening. The point I am trying to make is that there appears to be a problem in the way the men of CMS works together. I ask how can a variable like women be accepted into a crew where the men are at odds?
    Women obviously make things of every nature more complicated (but as the saying goes, cant live with them cant live without em). I purpose this questions, why are women in CMS? And I ask you to keep this in mind when answering this question: Everything must justify its own existence. Therefore what is the justification for women existing in CMS?
    I feel that the justification for our crews existing is that we exist to protect each other, and what I tell every young buck punk that comes along, that we exist to run our scene. And it is ours, yours and mine both, Eric. However, I dont know how women can protect us so thereby should not exist in our crews. You may be able to prove me wrong about this, but women, who are not our girlfriends, only belong around us to suck dick or open beers. The few girls that are outside of these roles and are still respected still do not belong in crews of any sort including ours or even our enemies.
    Let us speak hypothetically. If rival crews were to find out that women are allowed into crews as full members and have similar rights, soldiers or not, it is liable that reputations may be diminished. If I found out that a rival crew had women inside of its ranks I would find this laughable and insult them for said behavior.
    I understand how you differentiate between soldiers and noncombatant material and applaud this, but the latter does not deserve a Jacket of any kind.
    I would like to fully understand how things do work in CMS. I feel that this lack of unity among the men in CMS may in fact contribute to a further downfall. I cannot tell you what to do, but if I can suggest that you sincerely ask members that you do not see, to contribute and unify with you more. I would suggest that you invite and even plea to them that if they have ever cared about CMS to come to a meeting, and give each other updates and thoughts about how they see the future of their crew and themselves in it. I say this in reference to people like Andrew and not necessarily the old guard, but those who have always lacked involvement. I can only recommend that you ask them to come to such an event, and that you not demand it, such talk may cause further strife. Make them feel guilty without condemning or persecute them for their lack of participation. Make them feel like they should want to be there.
    Do not think that I do not want you in your position as leader of CMS. I feel youre a doing a great job. I also feel that you are correct that no one else would be able to define CMS nearly as well as you do. I just hope that you will be able to reestablish the connection with the other brothers you dont frequently see.
    Above all I will tell you that you are my brother and friend. My crew and I will always be as much CMS as they are 77 just as you have been. I will always be faithful to you and your crew, but I will not listen to any broad that dares carry to carry the same name.
    Merry Christmas. Give me a call Friday we should do something.
    Conor Looby

    --- On Mon, 12/22/08, eric scott <cmseric2007@yahoo.com> wrote:

    From: eric scott <cmseric2007@yahoo.com>

    Subject: Hey

    To: "C cool kid" <ronoc77@yahoo.com>

    Date: Monday, December 22, 2008, 12:05 PM

    I want to clear up that misunderstanding on Saturday nightbecause you blew up at me and didn't want to fully understand what I was saying when I made this statement "Mafia, is doing good. I have my guys and girls working hard for the scene".

    That statement in no way shape or form means that girls run CMS.
    What it does mean is that I have my collection of workers that work as a street team for Brew and Honour and Brew and Honour = 100% dedication to the music of the skinhead and punk youth culture's.

    Brew and Honour is the direction that CMS is heading because we can't survive with what we have. My guys and girls are to be protected under my wing because they remain loyal to the Mafia. In return they are part of the crew but with limited rights and no hierarchy to advance. Only soldiers can advance up the board and Soldiers can only be men.

    Andrew, Bob, andMatt D have never explained to me what they wanted from CMS but they all wanted to became the leader of the gang without fully understanding the work load and commitment one has to take. What I do understand is that they all feel like the Mafia should havebeen run like the way Johnny ran the crew. Which is something that Derek, Royce and Mike never felt he was best at? Derek, Royce, Mike and Michael however love the fact that I'm at the helm because they feel like Skinhead is back again. Under my Mafia there is order, reasonand purpose.

    Years ago I told you that I would work hard to promote the "Punk" scene for you and in turn you have went way and beyond for the Mafia. We are brothers and that's whyI have 77 tattooed on my body and in turn you're a Mafia Skinhead. What Derek, Chris C and Mike created was friendships that serve the Sprit of "77" and Mafia.

    Let me explain why I'm trying to keep peace with Fear City:

    We are the Mafia Skinheads and without any Skinhead's there is no more CMS.
    The Skinhead numbers have dwindled to what seems to be by80%. Less than2 personswant to join or be part of the Mafia a year. A few dozen won't last but handfuls of Skinheads will be Fear City Skinswithin the next few years. They already have over80 members and supporters.It's only because of my hard work that CMS has a respected name again which has shown a signand will lead to a handful of my own recruits. The truce has maintainedthe balancebetween punks and skins. This balance is the reason why "77" and Mafia exist. This truce isbuying me the time to bring CMS back to glory and without my efforts Mafia would have faded. Think about it, how many Skinheads that you know personally are really Herberts? "77" wasn't changing but we were. New recruitswould ofhave only been "transports" (Not from the State) it's a laughable offensive in the Chicago circle.. Remember Jersey Matt, Chris and Chris from Indy,ETC?However my transports remain loyal to their crew while serving mine. Again, I have brought respect back to the crew. If I was to lay down a few years ago, mafia would have fadedand with the bad blood between the North side and Southside it would lead to a war between punks and Skins. 77 is thepowerful force in this war but Fear City runs the recruiting centers (Gigs and D.J. nights).. The Street Brats are alreadyno longer activeand theywere themagnet that drew in crowds of punks and skins to the city. Fear City has their bands and big support around the world. At these Fear City gigs, punks would be checked andtold rumors of the evils of the Nazi punk rockgang"77" and in turnmost would agree and fight you orturn over a new leaf and become Fear City Skins within a few years.

    Sound familiar? I only get a few recruits a year because the Mafia is labeled as a Nazi gang, drug dealersand it also doesnt help much when the leader was nailing 16 year olds while beating up their skinhead boyfriends. You would meet the same fate as the Mafia skins because Anti Fascism is the Superior element in this city. It'sBecause of you 77 can stand on their own and last a very long time but will you (77)be here fighting for the next decade? If not, the power of unity, thelegacy of "77" and "CMS" will tarnished.

    Luckily everyone is jumping on boardin themusic scene again and with my help "77" and "Mafia" will be the backbone of it. We will control it and keep everyone inour pockets and in check. This game of chess has already started and we have control because we have the power of unity.
    Think back to the glory boys show in Oct. Mafia, 77, and F.C. were all in one club. Did any fighting occur?
    To sum this up, girls will never run CMS, they will never be soldiers but they will be part of it because friends with brains and heart for this scene are always protected under my wing. In the Skinhead cult, girls are just as much part of it as men are. They were there since the beginning.
    This is what CMS all about: We are a drinking crew (Group of friends that are skins) that is dedicated to our music scene and way of life. We strongly believe in the unity between punks and skins because we feel that they must co exist, otherwise the two will fade out. We also strongly believe in the unity between other skinhead factions. Ask anyone else their definition of CMS and I bet they couldnt sum up shit.
    Keep this letter to yourself unless someone else needs to know what Im thinking.

    Part 3: Conversation between Richard Dean(77s) and Eric Scott(CMS)

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    Richard Dean 27 January Erich Scott
    A while back a few of us tried to tell you guys that those fliers were out and that the police were watching ya but I guess it wasn't that important to keep in mind cuz everybody was more concerned with trying to steal my Newcastle (you're allowed ex co-worker) Anyways if you guys want to find out who's responsible for the fliers and most likely shutting down your clubhouse go talk to Christian from Liars club and tell him to cough up that white fat fuck that is part of the ARA and his crew CBH, that has been dipping into Cobra lounge lounge recently most likely to spy on you guys. Seriously this shit happens and I'm pretty sure this is the case. I think that kids name is Dave or Chris (not exit) but I wasn't asking cuz when me and Mickey got done with him we left him passed out in an alley with piss on him and stole his remaining 30 case. I know for a fact that, that kid is ARA and associates with those cunts so if Christian has a problem having you guys asking questions about this matter to clear it up then CMS is involved cause I'm not having little spys up here ruining your shit. It's ridiculous and if they don't want to corporate then whats the point of dealing with them in the first place. Maybe they just need to get reminded what side of the city they are on. Anyways let me know what you guys decide to do and I'll keep ya guys informed

    02 May Erich Scott
    Good place to look for those cunts!!! www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/event.php?eid=215568531788574&notif_t=event_invite

    Location: ‚Äé@ Martins Bar 2058 w. 22nd place chicago il,60608 Time: Sunday, 15 May 2011 18:00

    Sunday Massacre Punk Night

    03 May Erich Scott
    Before I left I made a truce with SHOC, and as of now waiting back on CBH to see where they stand. CBH should have all the info on these kids. Anyways I put it out there on how these crews should reacte to this situation with your guys getting mobbed and me getting flown out on paper as being a Nazi. I made it really simple for them so I hope they agree. Before I left I also I left info on people to check up such as Lana flack, her wherabouts, and her friends. I believe she is behind everything as far back as your clubhouse getting shut-down and conor getting jumped weeks ago. I noted that sarahs friend just moved to Milwakee, near this girl Nikki that is good friends with Lana so somebody should contact her to keep tabs on people that may pose a threat. Ill be back next weekend and I´ll be in action, but ill draw the line if I get too drunk cause I´m not getting sweep. The line has been drawn and its not going to be just a slap that solves it. i don´t know if I´m ready to commit to more then just violent action but I don´t think any of us have a choice cause this isn´t random at all. Like I pointed out when the cops came knocking on your door a year and a half ago, so have these cunts´the storm is brewing´. They have just been lurking but I havent been able to place them down til now which is sad cause it was to late. Like I said this isnt random at all and as I said in other letters direct action is a must. Take tabs on everybody and put the fear in. Party time is over!!!

    Eric talks about how CMS is unorganized and incapable of handling this ARA situation.

    03 May Erich Scott
    ... also. I told my guys to take direct action before I left but as you know they arent out and in force as you guys and not even comparable in size so nothing was acheived. We dont even have a crew that is solid to strike at a proper time. Its just friends. Ill do my best to bring the hammer with what i have.

    03 May Erich Scott
    all mobs in, they have 77 and CMS back, as they have problems with them too, aone faction knows how to find them and as soon as they get it I´ll pass it on.

    03 May Richard Dean
    thanks. but we got it and we dont need everyone knowing about this so keep all this shit on the dl and watch who you tell about this..

    03 May Erich Scott
    Well it´s not that simple. You guys don´t understand that you´re not the only that have been attacked and targeted. It was just easier cause you guys have letters in force every weekend. Well all be at the Bad Manners gig next Thursday cause I got a tip that I might be getting hit there as well as this guy Rob. Conor came up to me two times while I was at his place cause we knew a storm was coming but clueless as orgin although I was quite sure it wasnt SHOC or something like that, but familer with the ARA and this is it although not directly but in practice. Understand that flyers have been put out on me and your crew, and a fanzine is out. I understand the whole DL thing but you´re dealing the complete oppositsion of what we all stand for. I know you guys know who a few of them are but they have depth (weak) but they are determined to rid us. I´ll be at the Bad Manners to meet up with people to check in and figure out who is who. Like I said I would like for it to be on the DL but everybody has been effected by it. Talk soon, I know we cant agree but I see this as I´ve been seeing since a year and a half ago. I´ll be at the Bad Manners gig next Thursday in a fire storm or in good hands.

    03 May Richard Dean
    i mean by the dl we dont need it getting back to these ARA dudes. like what where doin . get ahold of conor if you wanna talk about this anymore. thanks for everything.

    03 May Erich Scott
    sounds good. I´m in Spain thats why I´m writing you to get the word out to all you guys otherwise I would have showed up at the apartment. Talk soon

    14 April Erich Scott
    Tell connor I found out the nazi poster with me on it a day before I left. They were passing out that info at the subhuman show. I leaked that info to find out who was behind everything such a Conor geting jumped. Her name is Lanna flack and lives with nikki. Nikki doesnt know anything but Lanna got the info from her on the werabouts on 77 on your club house to get it shut down. It all comes down to her and her incarnedo friends. I think its small but fuck it I´m not taking any chances. every crustie, every punk, every skin that isn´t us needs to get checked on the spot anytime so were not getting jumped random anymore. Sorry about the typeos. Im on a spainish laptop. see ya in May. Also CMS is cool with SHOC now and I told them a few pointers on the new punk scene so they don´t have any problems with you guys. Just throwing that in there cause they arent behind anything. Talk soon. Like I said thou Direct action needs to be taken. Everybody needs to be accounted for.

    14 April Erich Scott

    Grrr...I leaked my info to the randoms to figure out who is behind all the bullshit to draw them out is what I meant. Just go the Southside Anti rasict page and youçll see the poster they were passing out last night at the Sunhuman gig that has me on it. They are responible for your flyers as well back in the summer. Its impossible to know who is who, thats why we need to check everybody at anytime to keep the pressure on and keep them out before one of us gets caught by themselves again cause they will be here looking now. They are not big at all and have no idea that I´m using their weakness. Lanna Flack hangs out in Milwaukee with this chick Nikki. sarahs friend ´Teenage heart´´ just moved out that way so maybe she can get info on Lanna´´s male friends back home possibly. Lanna lives the other Nikki (megans frend) ill write her and tell her to throw a fake party at her place that Lanna and her guy friends would like to attend and if they show up well move in but ill keep my agenda hidden from nikki. Anyways shes a bitch but is a threat because she does keep big tabs on all of us. I´m also going to do a sweep thou the ska/soul scene to and destroy any ARA supporters out of it if any.

    Part 4: Conversation between Eric Scott(CMS) and

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    01 May Erich Scott
    The south side ARA and P.C. crustie punks made a move on the 77 streetpunks and Stabbed Conor, Jimbo and bashed this guy Ricks head in with a 2 by 4. This guys also have been passing fliers with my face on it claiming that I´m a Nazi also. I don't know how much info they have on me and my whereabouts but if they figure out that I hang out in the alley of alleys I´m sure they
    will be checking up in there for sure so if you guys are hanging around in there and you see these crustie punks expect them to come at you. Also let as many skins as you can know that if they give any support to the ARA to find me or these crustie punks, then they will be dealt with as the enemy. These cunts don't have a place with the skins so nobody that is a down brother should be helping them out in anyway. In all realty up here in the North Side the scene is almost perfect because everybody is out to have fun and nobody is flaunting a political banner. Its all about the music, clothes, girls, and booze and people that have been overly political have been seen the door. Not that I care what somebody believes but it does start conflicts and separation when they get too animate about it. This whole ¨hes a Nazi¨ Hes these or that shit is sickening and I´m not spending my days with that headache like the rest of the world does. We all haven't had to deal with that bullshit for a long time as there isn't any real threat as many people like to believe such as Fear city and other active anti-racist. There's no need to be militant about anything but thats their business. The Nazis and white nationalists do exist but they left our scene years ago and they do their own thing which is fine by me cause they stay out of all our business. Like I said I could care less what somebody believes - only when it ruins my good time. To say that if a white nationalist skinhead wants to hang out with me and tolerate my heavy drinking and mixing and fucking with non-whites and whites that I have no problem them being around. I´m not here to prove what skinhead is or is not as it as always been a enigma from the start. ha, I´m reading this one book that was written by an original skin and he pointed out that the first wave of skins were more or less the first wiggers as they wanted to be rude boys and then in the next chapter his buddy from the same era and mob told him to go to hell cause it was always a British working class thing and that the whole listening to black music was just music of the times and listening to rock n roll was more or less for the ´rockers´ (their rivals) so they could care less about it. Anyways the point being is I could care less what somebody wants to believe and fighting for what skinhead is or is not is not my cup of tea. There was racism and then there was unity mixed in with a heavy dose of violence but there was no heavy political sediment until the second wave of skins which was only natural as all skins were British nationalists that either accepted Jamaicans as British or the enemy as the first wave did. The second wave also mixed rock ´n´ roll and punk in their diet and created their own form of ska called two-tone and the 3rd wave was a European/American scene etc etc so who's to say whats right or wrong, cause I´m sure the first wave of skins hate us even more then they hated the second haha yeah really boring stuff haha. sorry to bug ya with all this but I´m just to point out If a gang of 5 Nazis come into the scene and they fuck with one of my friends for being non white or they push any of their ideals onto somebody then Ill sort them right but if that same 5 guys come to my gig for the music and bootboy atmosphere with no problems then I´ll have a drink with them and thank them for the support. does that make me a Nazi, I think not cause I stand firm on my convictions on my scene and everybody that wants to enter it knows its our rules. I just want to set the record straight that I´m not a Nazi, rather a American patriot/nationalist as I believe in freedom, democracy, national pride, and good future for my friends and family. I´ll see ya over the summer and well have a good time when we do. Just let people know whats up cause I´m sure there is alot of skins that would love to jump on the crustie punk/ara/Marxist band wagon to get at me and like I said these people are the enemy of the skinhead as they have always tried to pull our strings to their political direction and I´m not having it. we all shouldn't have it. It´s the Mobs that rule and set the bar in Chicago - not the political fucks. Talk soon bro

    02 May Jimmy Trejo
    thks for the in put bro I'll spread the word too the guys I feel what you are saying there was a lot of that going around in the 80s with all that crap ttyl working class shoc skin peace out

    Part 5: Conversation between Eric Scott(CMS) and Ragnar Whiteson(Grand Rapids Nazi) speaing through Juliet Warren' FB

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    29 June 2010 Stone Fox Eric Scott
    Hahaha Hey I started a crew in grand rapids so I'm sure I'll be seeing ya soon enough. How are you yo?

    29 June 2010 Juliet Warren
    If you think you''ll be seeing her soon, you have another thing coming.
    29 June 2010
    Stone Fox Eric ScottO you must be the boyfriend or something. No worries, just networking. I should be up there soon if you're down
    30 June 2010 Juliet Warren
    Why would a sharp faggot with gooks on their page want to network?
    30 June 2010 Stone Fox Eric Scott
    First off bro I aint no Sharp and I have more respect within the Nationalist skinhead/ right wing scene then you will ever. Ask around, Im a Chicago bootboy and I can hang out with all the gooks I want. I dont even know you so just keep it that way and get off your Gf's page. Ill be up in Grand Rapids with some down brothers soon so you should keep your peace cause i'm not your enemy.

    Part 6: Eric Scott sends an alert to allied crews

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    05 May Erich Scott
    A letter to everybody
    Next Thursday is the Bad Manners gig which i will be attending. I writing all you guys because i want you guys to meet me there. well I would like to set up a meeting point near the gig and then we can all go together from there. The reason I want all of us to meet up is to get get it all out on the table and get some face to face to time. This is what CMS will be bringing to the table: we want to let all you guys know that shouldn't be one agenda and identity in this city, and we are not out to prove anything or become the biggest, toughest mob in the city to say. we only care about our mob members and friends which can be little or big but it makes no difference to us. I believe that there should be different mobs with in the scene with their own identity and agenda for like-minded people to join in with. Not everyone fits into CMS role such as most CMS members do not fit into yours but this is perfect because then we can keep that cycle going with the youth with everybody that is interested. We have all fought each other at some point but just as I've done I hope we all fought for respect and not for some imaginary power. If you fought for respect as Ive done then I´m sure we can all meet and start working together or at least have a drink together at these gigs .Ha, hell we all love violence but in all reality we are all on the same page with musical tastes and lifestyle so whats the point of fighting for something that is already so limited to us. It´s not every day that we get good bands that come in and its not every day that somebody decides to have a D.J. night featuring music that we love so people can come down to drink. I´ll I´m saying its about time that people come down to drink with respect for each-other and mutual combat if it needs to be applied. One thing I´ll like to stress is that this meeting is about the MOBS and not politics of the scene between the left and right. That is one thing we will not all agree on. Some of you hate Nazis (National socialist) but yet hang out with commies (socialist), and some of you may swing to the left and may not tolerate any ideals from the middle to the far right and there is some people such as myself that believe in democracy, freedom, national pride, social fairness, and free enterprise and can´t understand why most of you fall for the left and right wings and then let them dictate the skinhead and punk scene, but that's my opinion and it shouldn't dictate how other people or mobs run their business. All I´m saying is whats more important to you, the politics that each person should have regardless, but that can only really be solved by a x mark in a ballot box or the Skinhead and punk lifestyle that each and everyone of us enjoy and in reality controls more then anything. The mobs should rule, with their friends and family, not the politics, and we should have all have respect for each other with our identity and customs. I have a pretty good idea or two where I would like everybody to meet up so write me back if you and your mob is interested in what I´m saying. Talk soon, ERIC SCOTT

    and again... 14 April Erich Scott
    Alright chicagons I may or not be at this gig but thats not the point here. The point is that they put me on their Nazi ´wanted´posters and were passing them out to people. This is insulting because I´m not a Nazi. I belive that we should have a proud city and country with freedom for all since it was built by all, and a good future for our families which in turn makes me a Nationalist - American Nationalist. I´m no Nazi cause I hate socialism and I´m a firm beliver in democracy. Anyways lets make this clear I have never drawn the line with politics before but if any of you skinheads, bystanders or punks do nothing when these kids pass on there flyers to you then I will draw the line in the sand. It is your duty to keep politics out of the scene as I have throughout out these years. Supporting the ARA and or any other Marxist faction is supporting politics. Just like the Nazis they should not have a part in our scene what-so-ever so what makes you think its okay to support the same ideology? The only difference is that the Marxist don't belive in freedom or national pride or identity as they think everyone should be equal as a slave to the system after there short run with anarchy. The left-wing have been tolerated by some of you people which lets them belive they can dictate certain aspects of the scene and I have had enough. You have only one option people when you see them and that is to tell them that Eric Scott, CMS, and the punks are no nazis and they are not wanted in our scene. If you choose not to then the line will be drawn because anybody that does not want a free, proud, and fair country for our families and friends is a fucking cunt and I've had enough of sitting by the wayside. Its disgusting how these Marxist use the Anti racist ideology to their own means and its disgusting that most of you can´t recognize it and buy into it. Everybody that is going to this gig is involved with me as I am with you for many years and we haven't had any big problems and for the most part have got along so back me up. I would like to keep that going so do your part and ill do mine otherwise there will be problems. ~Eric Scott

    Close friend Erica Mancini replies
    26 April Erica Mancini
    ew. that sucks. what do you mean its ok. the bottom line is that something has to be done. but we also want to have a fun summer. so we'll see what happens, but shit will prolly go down. yeah. and if it doesnt get dealt with, it will get out of control and really be a pain in the ass. yeah. thats fucking stupid as shit.

    29 April Erica Mancini
    I miss you Eric... New York is gay and I can't wait for u n Tommy to come out

    30 April Erich Scott
    Haha I cant wait. I love sangaria by the way. Al liter costs 0.65 cents haha love it.

    30 April Erica Mancini
    Wtf I can't believe they stabbed Connor so bad. That's fucked up. That's fucked up.

    Part 6: Eric Scott ordering merchandise from white power websites

    (back to top)


    Please let me know more about what kind of error you find in the checkout system. We will try to solve it.

    You can also order order by email or by the contact form, just write the titles you want to order and i'll be back with you with shipping costs and payment details.

    Best Regards



    ----- Original Message -----


    To: info@barracudarecords.it ; laura.canzi@tin.it

    Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2008 3:37 AM

    Subject: Form record received da Eric Kriske 2211 w diversey 60647 chicago il usa Cmseric2007@yahoo.com 773 440 5380 Hey I want to sign up and buy some stuff but there is an error when I fill out the information. Thanx

    Record saved to database with ID:  176

    Form ID: 22

    Form title: CONTATTACI

    Form name: CONTATTACI

    Submitted at: 2008-03-01 03:37:18

    Submitter IP:

    Submitter provider: Unknown

    Submitter browser: MS Internet Explorer 7.0

    Submitter operating system: Windows Longhorn

    NOME: Eric

    COGNOME: Kriske

    INDIRIZZO: 2211 w diversey

    Cap: 60647

    CITTA': chicago


    NAZIONE: usa

    EMAIL: Cmseric2007@yahoo.com

    TELEFONO: 773 440 5380

    RICHIESTA: Hey I want to sign up and buy some stuff but there is an error when I fill out the information. Thanx

    Fw: pro white gear.

    eric scott <cmseric2007@yahoo.com> Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 10:42 PM

    To: brewandhonour2008@gmail.com

    --- On Tue, 2/3/09, ~MeloniC~ <rompstompanddie@yahoo.com> wrote:

    From: ~MeloniC~ <rompstompanddie@yahoo.com>

    Subject: pro white gear.

    To: "Erik Kriske" <cmseric2007@yahoo.com>

    Date: Tuesday, February 3, 2009, 2:35 PM

    some of it looks neat. im bored.


    Part 7: Conversation between Eric Scott and Pablo Wolfe

    (back to top)
    03 November 2010 Erich Scott
    Suppppppppppppper fricking crapppy.
    22 November 2010 Erich Scott
    Hey if you want to do a few articles for the zine I'm looking for these topics up your alley; Why Ron Paul rocks and Stormwatch. tear it up

    23 November 2010 Pablo Wolfe
    I will in fact I am going to give a speech on RP soon. I will give you the transcript, which will make good a good article.

    23 November 2010 Pablo Wolfe
    going to trial So it's going trial, I am gonna need you Ryan and that other dude to testify. Ryan might still be pissed at me so do me a favor and tell him that i just want him to say what happened nothing more, nothing less. These chicks are trying to say i just came walking down the street trying to beat somebody up and that they did absolutely nothing but stand their smelling flowers while I bashed their face in, if they stick to that story it shouldn't be too difficult to beat with you guys as witnesses and the 911 calls which all say that it was brawl, not girls getting beat up by me. Let me know what Ryan and the other dude say. Thanks

    23 November 2010 Erich Scott
    Alright sounds good, I'll talk to them soon and get bk to you and your lawyer. So here's the speech I gave, I am going to modify for more of a skinhead audience but this is most of it. Tell me what you think chief.

    02 December 2010 Pablo Wolfe
    speech Here it is (will be edited further.

    We lap it up, I know I have at least, the nonsense, the hatred, the invectives, the ostentatious posturing, blabbering and bluffing. The guise of disputation, the facade of us against them, platitudes and pomp, wheeling and dealing, saying one thing, doing another, saying alot of other things, doing nothing, doing less than nothing, making things worse, degenerating, calling that degeneration progress, pointing that finger with disdain, three pointed right back at you. On the hill, on the TV, on the radio, in the streets, from the stump, from the gutter from that position long reserved for tyrants, despots and social gluttons. Outward and upward or more accurately downward and backward it rages on. Horizontally, vertically and all points in between until we just can bare the effort to discern them any longer. The next thing we realize is that we have chosen between two duds, the lesser of two evils, we have settled and we have lost.

    A wise man once said

    "Judge whether it is possible that any good should come out of their dumb ceremonies. Judge their dumb absolutions, their dumb pattering and howling with their dumb disguisings, their satisfactions and justifying. And because thou findest them false in so many things, trust them in nothing; but judge them in all things."

    These people who lie and lie and lie until it’s simply impractical or adverse to do otherwise are often referred to as politicians. That’s a title I can stomach, what they can never be called justifiably is statesmen. For statesmen is the title reserved for the champion of the people for whom he or she represents. The statesmen is a servant, he bends to the will of the extended order that he has been entrusted to preserve. He is not a master who inflicts, who encroaches, who creeps up, who collects, cajoles and compromises his countrymen for there “own good,” who boasts of a moral construction that out dazzles the common man. No, the statesmen is based in principle and humility. He cannot by good conscience be otherwise enticed.

    Therefor it is hard for me to find someone in our government who has earned the title Statesman, except of course for Ron Paul. First let me say that Ron Paul is not God, a God or any messianic prophet, he is not a magician nor does he desire to be one, he is not going to make you a better person, he is not going to create peace on earth and good will toward men, he is not going to get your brother off drugs, your sister to lose weight, your children to behave, the temperature to remain 72 degrees F, your wife to stop cheating on you or your cousin to start looking for a job. He is not going to provide you with contentment, peace of mind or try to entice you to follow him and his magic flute into utopia. He has no desire nor inclination to take care of you from the cradle to the grave. What Ron Paul wants to provide you is something far more beneficial and uplifting. Freedom, not some vague notion of freedom but the freedom to live and breath without the federal government or anyone else for that matter intruding into every aspect of your life. In other words the freedom to succeed or fail on your own terms, true, honest, noble simple freedom. And this idea ladies and gentlemen have no doubt, is the truly radical idea of our time, not the tried and failed social experiments constantly heaped upon the American people by the mainstream republicans and democrats. Ron Paul dares to demand in this age of government tinkering that liberty be treated as a moral principle.

    Dr. Ron" Paul (born August 20, 1935) is an American physician and Congressman for the 14th congressional district of Texas. Paul is a member of the Liberty Caucus of American congressmen which aims to limit the size and scope of the federal government. In 1988 he ran for President for the libertarian party, in 2008 he tried again setting a record for grass roots campaign contributions. Those of us who thirst for freedom and who disdain centralized, monolithic, leviathan Government are hoping that he will run again in 2012.

    As I mentioned before Ron Paul is not a God, therefore I do not worship at his alter nor do I bask in his warm light. Ron Paul is a man, he makes mistakes, he stumbles. I simply respect Ron Paul for daring to be a rare man, brave enough to stand apart. Who dares to say inconvenient things, things which frighten many because they involve ramifications, warnings and ideas so

    eric: hey
    bro I´m in spain and I get back next weekend. Playing a gig this weekend with the wrongdoers and Glory boys anyways watch yourself when you go to work. Long story short the ARA and crustie punks got their shit together and made a move after a long wait of lurking on us. They are passing out flyiers with my face on it claming im a nazi They stabbed conor 3 times, and Jimmy and smahed Ricks head in with a 2 by 4. watch yourself when you go to gay park bro.

    03 May Pablo Wolfe
    Are they alright? Not that I fear these pukes but why would they start up with me, I had nothing to do with that beat down you guys gave em.' Is 77 going to retaliate?Where did this happen?

    04 May Erich Scott
    It has little to do with those crutstie punks although Im sure they would love to jump on the band wagon. Its these Mexican punk kids in Pilsen that have been causing problems with people, claming people are nazis and such and going after people. Most of their boys are cowards and the other ones are even more cowardly for stabbing people in the back. So just watch yourself cause I´m sure they will be lurking into wicker Park and if they come across you I´m sure they will think you´re a nazi. Its bullshit. conor and those guys are okay but got fucked up. Ill be back next week and most of us are meeting up at the Bad Manners gig to get our shit together and figure this shit out. Talk
    Pablo Wolfe
    I will never pay those little fanny jousters any mind. Fuck them.

    Part 8: Conversation between Eric Scott(CMS) and Conor Looby(77)

    (back to top)

    southsideara.wordpress.com/  AGAINIST ME AND YOU, they mentioned some personal shit about me and you, so there is a rat in the mists for damn sure. Just makes sense, ugh, I don't know bro

    aggropolitics.com/?p=67 FOR US IN A WAY

    I'm so pissed off about this shit. Seriously these cunts are so trying to divide a line in the concrete. I'm not left, I'm not right, and I'm damn well not bowing down to them by choosing a side. I had 6-8 SHOC members corner me at Cobra lounge last night before this shit went up on the web - demanding that I choose the right side of the fence (left -miliant anti-rasict, anti-white, in their eyes) or else, and that CMS is dead. They said its only going to be SHOC for now on haha, right. One guy slipped up and mentioned "that they knew I could fight like hell" while I was going back and forth with members aggressively so I knew I was handling it pretty well. Anyways with all this drama going on I can't trust anybody other then you and the guys, and my small group.
    Anyways we are all against boneheads, or nazis or whatever people want to call them, but thats not what skinhead and punk rock is ALL about. These bastards want us to fold and let the scene become some zombie-fied Anti-Nazi/Anti-white militant state, such as all those cunts back in 96' that tried to recruit the older guys. We are all free thinkers in our scene as it should be. We are all political but as whole we are not, and we will never be. Just read past the interview to get what I'm fully trying to present here.

    This is what I wrote in that interview about us.
    I sent a pic of all the original 77/cms guys with SHOC/anti-racists during that time period. It's the one with Ian at the show.
    Let’s start off over a decade. Our former leader, Derek Gangland, was toying with the idea to start a new Chicago Skinhead gang because the older crews were old and lousy to the skinhead world. The original members consisted of Derek, Chance, and Scrapy, but they didn’t have a name for themselves as of yet. Derek soon came up with the name “Brew and Honour” Skins but soon dropped it after he was reading some Spirit of 69-esque book about football hooligans. He then came across some old footie crew with the name ‘something’-Mafia. He decided that Chi-Town Mafia was the perfect name for our gang, given its dual nods to Chicago's infamous organized crime past and to the hooliganism aspect of the subculture’s history.
    Around the time of the conception of C.M.S. there was another crew that was forming. This one was quite different because it consisted of a bunch of angry tooled-up punk-rockers. They were calling themselves the “Chi-Town 77 Street Punks. I wasn’t there but I can only assume that the two crews met each other near Belmont and Clark- which at that time was the hot-spot for Skinheads and Punks to drink and buy gear.
    The Chi-Town Mafia Skins and the ‘77’ Street punks had similar goals for the scene: They believed in the power of unity, wanted a strong music scene, and were both disgruntled with the current scene. Chicago was ruled with an ugly Iron Fist before hand and every band or foreign Skinhead that came to the city was met with a mob with the intention to make a name for them selves. It was ridiculous and we had no fun around here. Both Crews had enough and then decided to become major players within the scene by promoting their crews and bands together. For the first time ever Skinheads and Punks were united in the City of Chicago. The power of unity was about having fun, going out drinking, playing in a band, being proud to be a Skin or a punk, and serving the scene as a whole. This agenda of ours didn’t sit well with the older Skinheads and hardcore types because real deep down they didn’t care about the scene and because of this wars were forged. Now, we all knew what our goals were and serving the music scene, but it never really happened until just recently because these wars were holding back and for most of us the gang oriented life-style was the rule. 
    Today we are the present force on the North-side of Chicago and with the old Chicago regime collapsing it has freed up the scene quite a bit. There are many new bands and faces emerging and we still retain what were best known for- having a good time.
    Here is a few pics of SHOC, CBH, and FEAR CITY. I also sent a few pics of us so you can see the difference between us and all them. I mean com' on it's plain to see why we get pointed out as racists/nazis or whatever. we are all white or as it seems, we look good and skinhead, we have youth, we have the chicks, and were having fun.
    As far as the Bully boys show goes. I don't know how that rumor got out but that's not true. I was trying to book a punk band to play with that had an ex-Bully boys member in it. I mean look at this bullshit I have to deal with. Fucking geez. For Christs sake, dudes were getting fired up because the girls dressed up like Nazis and Jews for Halloween. Christ!!! They want us to fold and they want Chicago to be disgusting. We are skinheads and punks, that think and dress the part. We are not gang bangers, drug dealers, Marxist, or street-fascist's such as all these jerks. If these cunts destroy us then fuck it's all lost. I mean everywhere but Chicago, people think we are the greatest thing ever. They see something that they wish they had in there city - a thriving skinhead and punk scene that is more proper then what they have. We all (77/cms) love their friends and family, country, city, style and music. If these guys win - the future generation will have no style or music worth a damn nor a mentality to love their country and friends. Everybody will be a slave to a very strict point of view without any pride for who they really are.I mean - fuck more then half of these jerks are undercover commies so it just makes sense. I tried my best to use my negotiating skills to buy time to build up something strong to counter react to what/is coming. The balance of power is ready to be tilted again and this is what i got. There was no way of overcoming our reputations, and as-long as were proper skins and punks, then we will always be nazis and racists to these people, but I did get enough pull from outsiders that understand what I'm doing - however they arent troops so its not like they can say or do anything to safe my ass on the street. CBH and FEAR CITY haven't said anything yet but I don't trust any of them. It's time to put the fear of skinhead and punk back into the fold. We have to have a meeting or something and I have to get you guys to understand that we are not on that white power non-sense, cause I know some of you guys think that as well or I'm the root for all your troubles cause I'm not. Yeah a few of us are proud to be white of European decent but for the part not everybody gives a fuck. For the most part that attitude is just there cause we know that we are the predominate white crew that everybody loves to hate. Nothing more then that. Look at those photos of all those guys, they are pretty much all Hispanic or Jews (not that you can tell) but yeah what do you think were going to think or act when these fuckers are trying to tell us that we have to be on some "Nazi hunting adventures" or else. Like I said I'm not getting pushed to decide a side of the fence as they put it. Thats what we fought so hard to eliminate. Anyways I don't feel to goo right now. Ill send the pics and well talk.

    Part 9: Conversation between Eric Scott(CMS) and Tyler from Crucial Change

    (back to top)

    31 May Erich Scott
    Hey bro how have been? Hope all is well

    01 June Crucial Change
    Doing good dude, how are you these days? Anything new on the band front? We are planning to record some stuff pretty soon, and I got a little thrash project going on the side. Keep in touch bro and good hearing from you. -Tyler

    15 hours ago Erich Scott
    Hey do me a favor and delete that interview on your site for now. I'm in a huge war right now and I need all the troops I can get but alot of people might take that the wrong way if they see it before they make a decion to ride with me. Thanks

    14 hours ago Crucial Change
    No problem man, I understand how that shit can be. What's happening on that end?

    Part 10: Conversation between Eric Scott(CMS) and Melanie Jackson

    (back to top)

    06 June Erich Scott
    you don't happen to have that stupid monkey I gave you a thousand years ago do you?

    06 June Melanie MenAce Jackson
    Ha ha I do

    06 June Erich Scott
    Well if you like it then keep it haha but if you don't care I'm going to give it back to this fat chick that I took it from so I can smooth that over so I don't have to deal with B.S. when I see her, when I do meet up with a few of her friends. Haha that's awesome that you still have it.

    07 June Melanie MenAce Jackson
    Tell her to fuck off and u stole it out of love and I'm not giving it back cuz its hanging from the ceiling in my room and if she's that pist about a stuffed monkey she needs pills cuz that's just childish and stupid. Ha ha!

    07 June Erich Scott
    Hahaha okay sounds good. Love ya haha

    wes costenbader and eric scott
    When can i come out to chicago for a few nights out on the town? i just got laid off so i'm trying to travel. Tell those sluts to line up for some real cock.

    Sounds good. Im going to New York Next week but you can come anytime after that for sure.

    November 5 12:03
    610 554 3983

    November 17 18:01
    6320 N. sayre ave
    chicago, IL, 60631

    January 13 03:09
    The only on-white girl I've messed around with 1 attached file


    February 16 02:17
    Whats your home address?

    4702 main street whitehall, pa 18052

    Part 11: Conversation between Eric Scott and Susie "Pincushion" Lenner

    (back to top)
    I just wanted to let you know the southside ara is talking shit about you and your crew on their website again they just put a bunch of new stuff up yesterday with adresses and phone numbers oh yeah and i want my monkey bitch

    Part 12: Conversation between Eric Scott and Pablo Wolfe

    (back to top)

    28 August 2010 Stone Fox Eric Scott
    Hey Heard ya got released, hopfully ya had money to hop on the train. I lost my phone but let me know where yall be at later or give me your address???

    28 August 2010 Pablo Wolfe
    Today has been probably the worst day of my life. The guards kept me there another 8 hours after you left just to spite me. I feel like a run over turd. I have to go to the hospital with Bethany to get pictures taken of my bruises for court. I hate life right now so much.
    29 August 2010 Stone Fox Eric Scott
    Send me your phone numbers and dont sweat this case at all bro. It totally sucks but we should get off or get a slap on the wrist where it wont go on your record. Like I said its at the SOL courthouse. You'll see, it will be like standing at a line at six flags, the judge says ' SOL, dont come back, NEXT! SOL, dont come back, NEXT! Over and over.

    30 August 2010 Pablo Wolfe
    three counts of aggravated battery. minimum one year for each. pretty serious. do you think you should press charges for the guy who came up and threw the first punch? im in trouble. did you get charged with the same thing. call the house at 773 506-7131 if i don't answer call bethany at 561 324-4469

    16 September 2010 Stone Fox Eric Scott
    Hey Ill most likley spend the night at your place Sunday and O yeah I forgot to tell ya, I drank with your buddy from Sheer Terror. That dude rocks.

    16 September 2010 Pablo Wolfe
    Who Paul Bearer? You are welcome to spend the night of course.

    16 September 2010 Stone Fox Eric Scott
    Not sure but he said the best line ever about skinheads and punks. Old dude, harrington jackets, tattooes on neck hahaha. Kick ass guy

    16 September 2010 Pablo Wolfe
    Yah that Paul, he's cool but he has gone off the deep end of late. He had a thick NY accent right?

    16 September 2010 Stone Fox Eric Scott
    Hahah yep!!! I tell ya what he said when I see ya. It's funny.

    19 September 2010 Stone Fox Eric Scott
    alright I should be getting out here soon. I just gotta find some change and such. ya going to be home?

    29 October 2010 Pablo Wolfe
    911 calls Got all the 911 calls that were made on that night if you want to here them.

    Part 13: Conversation between Eric Scott and Juliet Warren

    (back to top)

    07 April Erich Scott
    Yeah sounds like a plan. What was the name of that band again? I always have something planned so if ya ever free time just let me know and we can work something out. Talk soon.

    07 April Juliet Warren
    im pretty sure theyre on myspace too, so you can check out their sound. Major Disappointment

    14 May Erich Scott
    Enough with these gross pictures hah geez. Anyways I'm free at the end of the month. Any older good nationalist on the oi side of things up by me that are willing to hang out? I doubt it as i think I'm the last of them but worth a shot. Hey do you know John kramer, or Jack? Guys I hung out with back in the day 97 - 2000

    26 May Erich Scott
    I have a few issues at my place here but you can read this online. I'm pretty sure you'll love it. I do! A lot of this stuff you'll read is a good way to go about in life. Ha, I live a pretty intense rock 'n' roll life but some of these reads really help to balance out stuff. check it out!!! Mega cute new profile pic by the way DORK!

    Hex Magazine
    hexmagazine.comHEX is a bi-annual publication and an online community radicalising European traditions and giving voice to the modern Heathen household. We are here to explore and celebrate the European peoples’ ancestral traditions and beliefs. Hex strives to recall the evident truths of the seasonal cycles, the Share

    26 May Juliet Warren
    You are rock n roll? lol.. i never saved your number text it to me again.

    14 June Erich Scott

    14 June Juliet Warren

    14 June Erich Scott
    That is so gay. why can't I ever share anything with ya. Grrrr. Ill save the pic and send it and hopefully it will work

    14 June Juliet Warren
    Because you're gay.. idk

    14 June Juliet Warren
    What have you been up to? I see you don't get mad at my comments.. ignoring them won't make me stop posting.. lol

    Part 14: Conversation between Eric Scott and Michael Scarn

    (back to top)

    24 May 2010 Michael Scarn
    hey im at my moms(no wife no kid). i might go looking for apts this weekend in chicago (with wife and kid). want to hang out?

    24 May 2010 Stone Fox Eric Scott
    Yep, see ya this weekend if ya come.

    14 July 2010 Michael Scarn
    address 3217 keating apartment 3a...our buzzer dosent work so you should call first(if you still got her sisters number im at alvarezes so i dont have it. also i dont drink for know because i tried to get arrested the other night. but i still miss your company!

    20 July 2010 Michael Scarn
    you know it would be really really awesome if you took down that picture.

    23 September 2010 Michael Scarn
    hahahahahahaha want to send me phone numbers again since im an ass and dont know any? and of course she has the phone

    03 October 2010 Stone Fox Eric Scott
    Hey Mike 773-565-8957 Me 773 401 5680 Ryan 312 758 3328 Next month Scott from the Bully Boys and a few friends are staying at Ryans place. Make sure to come up for that.

    05 October 2010 Michael Scarn
    yeah i'll try but im pretty sure i'll have no money and no transportation. although it'd only cost me $70 and SR-22 insurance to get a liscence. i dont even got that.

    16 November 2010 Erich Scott
    I'll send ya photos that I have on here also. Keep up the good work

    16 November 2010 Michael Scarn
    coolio. i'd send a bunch more but i dont want a dozen pictures of a camera flash in a mirror! my grandma took this picture

    23 November 2010 Erich Scott
    Hey become a member in my photobook to make comments and such. No more pics here yo.

    23 November 2010 Erich Scott
    Brewandhonour.org go to B&H Photobook
    23 November 2010 Michael Scarn
    doh i was just trying to, but i keep going to gangland in stead

    10 December 2010 Erich Scott
    Shoot me your number???

    10 December 2010 Michael Scarn
    3128133022. damnit i forgot eve probably works tonight to. but im gonna tell her if she dosent have a double shift not to take one. PS she lives in wicker park now by the note and the pint.

    05 January Michael Scarn
    get me busy! i need to be occupied friday and saturday!

    05 January Erich Scott
    I'll be out and such. I have few girls to hang out with but not quite sure where yet.

    05 January Michael Scarn
    well if you wanna just bring a couple folks over my roomies will be gone after thursday. im thinking maybe friday or saturday just bringin' a handful over while i got the boy..preferably friday and then she'll take him saturday so i can go out out.

    07 January Michael Scarn 4 tomorrow
    should i get 2 cases of crappy beer or 1 case of crappy beer and

    18 March Michael Scarn
    ahhhh 40'z! maybe. im probably just gonna go get some vodka and start drinking after i take a shower. i got a decent sleep schedual started and dont feel like fucking around with it to much.

    19 March Erich Scott

    01 April Michael Scarn
    well im saying u dont use them then loose them

    05 April Michael Scarn
    pffft yea i kinda decided to try to recalculate my sleeping schedule. Also Im trying to save for a car since i actually have gotten like 3 job replies but they were strictly car only, so i might as well try to save a little money and only go out on a couple weekends. although i was excited to see the baldness

    05 May Erich Scott
    Ive talk to many people before this that said they have my back againist the ARA and other factions from these crews such as SHOC and CBH but I wrote this to get more direct to the point. anyways this is the best option to keep us alive and to get people on our side for real. READ THIS

    Next Thursday is the Bad Manners gig which i will be attending. I writing all you guys because i want you guys to meet me there. well I would like to set up a meeting point near the gig and then we can all go together from there. The reason I want all of us to meet up is to get get it all out on the table and get some face to face to time. This is what CMS will be bringing to the table: we want to let all you guys know that shouldn't be one agenda and identity in this city, and we are not out to prove anything or become the biggest, toughest mob in the city to say. we only care about our mob members and friends which can be little or big but it makes no difference to us. I believe that there should be different mobs with in the scene with their own identity and agenda for like-minded people to join in with. Not everyone fits into CMS role such as most CMS members do not fit into yours but this is perfect because then we can keep that cycle going with the youth with everybody that is interested. We have all fought each other at some point but just as I've done I hope we all fought for respect and not for some imaginary power. If you fought for respect as Ive done then I´m sure we can all meet and start working together or at least have a drink together at these gigs .Ha, hell we all love violence but in all reality we are all on the same page with musical tastes and lifestyle so whats the point of fighting for something that is already so limited to us. It´s not every day that we get good bands that come in and its not every day that somebody decides to have a D.J. night featuring music that we love so people can come down to drink. I´ll I´m saying its about time that people come down to drink with respect for each-other and mutual combat if it needs to be applied. One thing I´ll like to stress is that this meeting is about the MOBS and not politics of the scene between the left and right. That is one thing we will not all agree on. Some of you hate Nazis (National socialist) but yet hang out with commies (socialist), and some of you may swing to the left and may not tolerate any ideals from the middle to the far right and there is some people such as myself that believe in democracy, freedom, national pride, social fairness, and free enterprise and can´t understand why most of you fall for the left and right wings and then let them dictate the skinhead and punk scene, but that's my opinion and it shouldn't dictate how other people or mobs run their business. All I´m saying is whats more important to you, the politics that each person should have regardless, but that can only really be solved by a x mark in a ballot box or the Skinhead and punk lifestyle that each and everyone of us enjoy and in reality controls more then anything. The mobs should rule, with their friends and family, not the politics, and we should have all have respect for each other with our identity and customs. I have a pretty good idea or two where I would like everybody to meet up so write me back if you and your mob is interested in what I´m saying. Talk soon, ERIC SCOTT

    05 May Erich Scott
    I mean SHOC and CBH are on our side. They hate these kids that Michael Scarn what is CBH?

    05 May Erich Scott
    Chicago Breed Hooligans. Christian and his guys

    Part 15: Conversation between Eric Scott and Michael Scarn

    (back to top)
    04 September 2010 Stone Fox Eric Scott
    Hey read dude sorry bout Tommie last night. I was pissed and yelled at him. I wanted to hang out with you and I went to get us beer and Tommie gave ya shit so I'm sorry for that. Tell everyone that you were with that I didnt want that to happen. shoot me a text 773 401 5680

    04 September 2010 Justin Crampton
    that shit really pissed me off man your homie sucker punched me cause i was trying to walk some girls home to make sure nothing happened to them cause they had gotten mugged in that hood right by there apt a week before. that was just some straight up bullshit man.

    Part 16: Eric Admits CMS is Weak

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    03 May Erich Scott
    ... also I told my guys to take direct action before I left but as you know they arent out and in force as you guys and not even comparable in size so nothing was acheived. We dont even have a crew that is solid to strike at a proper time. Its just friends. Ill do my best to bring the hammer with what i have.

    Part 17: Conversation between Eric Scott and Michael Scarn

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    28 June Stone Fox Eric Scott
    Whats up Nazi? haha What a joke

    28 June Michael Scarn
    just nazi'ing around with lil' josh,jordan and ping pong way to get them shut off brosiff

    28 June Stone Fox Eric Scott
    On the net. Yeah Theresa King is spreading the word that it's all BS which is cool of her

    28 June Michael Scarn
    yeah i wreckon it is. well when you saw SHOC what did they say? or did they just ask if you were a nazi..again

    28 June Stone Fox Eric Scott
    Everything, fuck your nazi shirts, swastika cakes, CMS is dead, tell your boys, Etc etc, it was long aggressive shouting match verse me and all of them. wasn't pretty. They just want to run us off for many reasons

    28 June Michael Scarn
    so..its cool it didnt happen but why didnt they jump you?

    28 June Stone Fox Eric Scott
    Because the one guy fucked up and said 'we know you can fight' as I happened to punch everyone of them in the face last time I just handled the way I handle things

    28 June Michael Scarn
    well way to go. your shit gets hotter by the day

    28 June Michael Scarn

    28 June Stone Fox Eric Scott
    Were going to be fighting or confronting them next time and thats that. Right now I relying all those little GF's in the scene on that side of scene to stand up for me which so far is going okay. Gf;s of mine* As long as they look like jackasses in the scene which they always will then were fine and there is nothing worse then having a bunch of girls hating ya. I'm pretty sure thats why they got pissed inthe first place cause th my girls made fun all night at this party. type something. I think our message got delted

    28 June Michael Scarn

    28 June Stone Fox Eric Scott
    yeah O' well what did you say last?

    28 June Michael Scarn
    something about you being hot shit. but yeah, of course those turds are jealous. girls, they aint got them

    28 June Stone Fox Eric Scott
    damn right they dont

    28 June Michael Scarn
    oh, on the ARA thing it was the funniest to me that they had Lauren on there too. well im off to the store and then its Tee Ball time.

    28 June Stone Fox Eric Scott
    Sweet, talk later

    28 June Michael Scarn
    hey, is SHOC reds to? i mean i lump all those groups into being red but i dont really know

    28 June Stone Fox Eric Scott
    Some may be but some arent. They got lumped into the red thing because of Marty Williams. He ran that crew back in the day but he left cause a few of those guys didn't care for his black panter shit however they got sucked into that 150 percent anti racist attitude.

    Part 18: Conversation between Eric Scott and Theresa McMoet

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    28 June Theresa McMoet
    who is that Lana cunt?? you need to have her beat down

    28 June Stone Fox Eric Scott
    A dead bitch considering the fact the army of girls we have

    28 June Theresa McMoet
    word what the hell does she think she is doing?

    28 June Stone Fox Eric Scott
    Lauren and Vanessa already want to smash her

    28 June Theresa McMoet
    good. fuck her

    28 June Stone Fox Eric Scott
    Yeah shes's he big mouth from the get go. Ive been saying it but now I know for sure

    28 June Theresa McMoet
    ?where did that ho come from?

    28 June Stone Fox Eric Scott
    From fear city until they threw her out

    28 June Theresa McMoet
    she is nasty. and who in the CMS group is a rat? cause someone is. You need to lock out some people

    28 June Stone Fox Eric Scott
    I think its on the 77 side but on the other hand, one address i had up there could of only been known by looking thru my bank accounts so... Its messed up

    28 June Theresa McMoet
    hmmmmm, it seems that based off of some of the posts that someone in shoc or somewhere else is exposed to the group. that bitch is a fucking idiot. this aint the southside, girls will throw down

    28 June Stone Fox Eric Scott
    yeah pretty fucking crazy, she is nutz

    28 June Theresa McMoet
    she is a turd. I wish I was a few years younger, i wild beat so many asses Lauren better strp up

    28 June Stone Fox Eric Scott
    Naw, you get to beat her ass still haha

    28 June Theresa McMoet
    yea, I might just have to

    28 June Stone Fox Eric Scott
    God, look at that BS she wrote

    28 June Theresa McMoet
    on chi town united? I did she is a real cunt

    28 June Stone Fox Eric Scott

    28 June Theresa McMoet
    did someone tell shoc bout that pic you posted this morning? seems like it

    28 June Stone Fox Eric Scott

    what pic?

    28 June Theresa McMoet

    of shoc in the alley

    28 June Stone Fox Eric Scott

    Why, they say something

    28 June Theresa McMoet
    that vinny dude immidiately posted that pic look at it

    28 June Stone Fox Eric Scott
    The old and out of shape one

    28 June Theresa McMoet

    28 June Stone Fox Eric Scott
    what does it say?

    28 June Theresa McMoet
    Old? maybe Out of shape? better ask somebody!

    28 June Stone Fox Eric Scott
    haha okay well what about shoc alley?

    28 June Theresa McMoet
    just seems ironic, wasnt he in that pic?

    28 June Stone Fox Eric Scott
    O I know what you're talking about

    28 June Theresa McMoet
    yea.... seems suspicious. maybe you need to shut the group down. just saying, start a new one or im people for a while

    28 June Stone Fox Eric Scott
    Naw, I wrote him and he said he was cool with what i saying and he told me but if something happened he was still in shape haha

    28 June Theresa McMoet
    ok, cool

    28 June Theresa McMoet

    r u goong to Fireside?

    28 June Stone Fox Eric Scott
    naw too much drama, r u going

    28 June Theresa McMoet

    I want to. what drama?

    28 June Stone Fox Eric Scott
    this BS, erica nd tommy are going

    28 June Theresa McMoet
    fuck those people you should go

    Part 19: Conversation between Eric Scott and Robbie Blood(77s)

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    11 February Robbie Blood
    Ohhhhh Hah sorry I'm on my phone but I remember that

    01 May Erich Scott
    whatever Im an idiot I should of just relayed messages to you in the first place. Ask dave Moore what I wrote him cause I´m tired right now in Spain and this keyboard is in Spaninsh. when I get back Im wrecking people, they alreaqdy been passing out fliers with my facev on them to attack. Ill be in action, direct action to say and its going to be a sight of me you havent seen cause its all real now

    28 June Robbie Blood
    yo remove all photos of any 77 past or present members from any site you have.

    28 June Erich Scott
    kay, check up to see if i missed anything in a bit

    Part 20: Conversation between Eric Scott and KnightVinland@gmail.com

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    Eric Scott <brewandhonour2008@gmail.com> Attachment Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 2:09 AM

    To: knightofvinland@gmail.com

    Whats the Thor's hammer means:

    It has a few meaning actually. One is reason is for strength and protection if life issues and battles to get thru it all, an other reason is a nod to the old ways of family traditions and values, as well as a nod to the gods and goddesses who keep us company, guide, and protect us. The Thor's hammers represents not just Nordic mythology but all them as a whole before the corruption and destruction of our ancestral beliefs and knowledge by Judaism, Christianity, and Muslims.

    The dragons head is accompanied by a ship. It's there but you can't see it, but it sails on North-side of Chicago where we are from. The dragons head also represents the spontaneous, free spirited lifestyle that we are involved in as well as the quality and attitude of our mob.

    The Spartan helmet with the words "Spirit of 96' etched into it represents the year our mob started and our fierce, disciplined, dedication to it from that day on.

    The reason "Chi-Town Mafia skins" is Two-tone is to repent that we all honor all aspects of skinhead culture from the early days of pop culture to where it is now. We are fans of Oi, punk, glam, RAC, ska, and Two-tone. We love the music and fashion and we don't discredit any of it throughout it's evolution throughout the years.

    The pint glass on the far right represents the essential to all life; Ale! We are a mob that loves to gather and celebrate events on a weekly basis and what a better way to drink what life has best to offer. It's a nod to the true working class. We work hard or we try hard to be productive so we should drink a proper pint or twelve to get the edge off.

    Also the Thors hammer is crashing in on the south-side of the Chicago flag with all it's might haha. It's a stab at all those shit-talkers, Marxist anti-racists, crusties, and PC fags that thrive in that scene that talk shit on the Almighty CMS haha.

    Mjölnir means "the crusher" or "that which makes meal (mjöl)" - Þórr uses it to crush (make meal out of) the Giants, enemies of the tribe who would consume without regard for honor or glory.

    This image has it all: respect for the roots of CMS, a raised glass for where the crew stands today, and a sign of where we are headed.

    Victory or Valhalla!


    Part 22: Email from Eric Scott to Mickey Nussbaum

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    Eric Scott
    <brewandhonour2008@gmail.com> Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 11:33 PM

    To: Mickey Nussbaum <mickeybrewandhonour@gmail.com>

    I will be the first person to admit that I don't agree with Islam. My dad worked in UAE on a 6 month contract and I had the opportunity to visit him once, and I hated it. But my sentiments aside, Muslims do have the constitutional right to practice their religion. However, I think that once their religious practices start to become anti-constitutional, then something needs to be done.

    France has banned the use of Burqas in public. France is a western country and as such, they don't have to assimilate to their immigrants, rather their immigrants have to assimilate into the mainstream french culture. So, France has every right to do what they did. In addition, the supporters claimed that this law was passed for women's rights and equality.

    Recently I've heard that Dearborn, Michigan and Frankford, Texas are being governed under Sharia law. I've never been to either city, so I don't really know if this is true. But if it is, that is a serious problem. First of all, this country is a western country and founded on Christian values. Those who immigrate here need to be able to adapt to that culture.

    I worked for Muslims and based on that think that they are hypocritical. All of the liquor stores in my area are owned by Pakistanis. I have to drive 20 miles just to support an American owned store. Anyway, the consumption of alcohol is banned under Islam yet they will make as much money as they can selling it.

    Many of them come here and refuse to assimilate to our culture, rather they try to force us to accommodate them. Did you know that Muslims are exempt from Obamacare? Yeah so while all of us are going to be forced to buy health-care and pay all the taxes into it, Muslims will be conveniently exempted. That's BS. I'm tired of all the exceptions being made for Muslims. People just need to grow some balls and stand up to them and tell them fuck off. If they don't like our culture, go back home. It was their decision to come here and if Sharia Law is so great go back to where it's practiced.

    We don't make any special exceptions for Mexican immigrants or Asian immigrants, so why do Muslims get special privileges? Because we're scared if we offend them they'll attack us. They are ruling through fear and that shit needs to stop.

    You can call me a racist, anti-Muslim, or whatever but this is me ranting on how i feel about the situation.

    Erich Scott December 28, 2010 at 23:13
    Fuck man it seems like the ethic immigrants are already running the show and who ever said that you can't celebrate being English because they are not a race is a complete idiot. It's your damn country and right to celebrate whatever ya want, when you want. The Irish have St. Patrick's day, the blacks have MLK day, The Mexicans have Mexican Independence day, and the damn Puerto Ricans have 'god knows what they celebrate day' haha, so the English should be allowed to celebrate St. George's day if they damn please. The way it sounds those Muslim bastards will be having an 'Mohamed day' in their honor in your country before you have see an English one which is fucking wrong and totally horrible. I was just reading about these 12 Islamics that just got arrested for a terrorist plot in London along with bombs that actually went off somewhere in Europe and Sweden. I wrote an article a while back but I think it got deleted but to put it simple it was bout how I feel these Islamic terrorists and so called non-violent Muslims are only jumping on the multicultural experiment train into these European countries to live, populate, then conquer when time is right. I said 'So called non-violent Muslims because I feel they will be violent when time is right, because they believe that god is above all, and there is no other purpose on earth other to worship god, and in their eyes 'Western civilization' is not by gods standards, nor the word of god that Mohamed wrote down for them and the world to follow. To put it simple if they were in complete power they would command complete discipline to god throughout the whole world and murder who ever does not obey, and not 'tolerance' such as our nations do for them. This topic is quite freighting and is for real and been bottled up since Winston Churchill's England Came into the Arabian world in 1908 in modern times.
    Yeah I feel ya on the fact that are days are numbered and there is no real hope but I'll do my best for sure and it all starts with the bands and fanzines to keep like-minded people connected for the sake of it all. Hell I'll be in England soon enough hopefully and I'll damn well stick by ya if something went down bro. I think I'm gonna wrap up this interview and I'll keep checking back with ya about life and this band 'On Remand' that you're thinking about doing and when it's all set I'll keep the world updated on your news and such. Alright I leave it up to ya to close this one off so what ever you want to say go for it now. Thanks for helping Brew and Honour out and keep in touch. ~Eric Scott

    Part 22: Email from Eric Scott to Conor Looby(77s)

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    Eric Scott <brewandhonour2008@gmail.com>

    Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 1:08 AM

    To: ronoc77@yahoo.com

    southsideara.wordpress.com/ AGAINIST ME AND YOU, they mentioned some personal shit about me and you, so there is a rat in the mists for damn sure. Just makes sense, ugh, I don't know bro

    aggropolitics.com/?p=67 FOR US IN A WAY

    I'm so pissed off about this shit. Seriously these cunts are so trying to divide a line in the concrete. I'm not left, I'm not right, and I'm damn well not bowing down to them by choosing a side. I had 6-8 SHOC members corner me at Cobra lounge last night before this shit went up on the web - demanding that I choose the right side of the fence (left -miliant anti-rasict, anti-white, in their eyes) or else, and that CMS is dead. They said its only going to be SHOC for now on haha, right. One guy slipped up and mentioned "that they knew I could fight like hell" while I was going back and forth with members aggressively so I knew I was handling it pretty well. Anyways with all this drama going on I can't trust anybody other then you and the guys, and my small group.
    Anyways we are all against boneheads, or nazis or whatever people want to call them, but thats not what skinhead and punk rock is ALL about. These bastards want us to fold and let the scene become some zombie-fied Anti-Nazi/Anti-white militant state, such as all those cunts back in 96' that tried to recruit the older guys. We are all free thinkers in our scene as it should be. We are all political but as whole we are not, and we will never be. Just read past the interview to get what I'm fully trying to present here.

    This is what I wrote in that interview about us.
    I sent a pic of all the original 77/cms guys with SHOC/anti-racists during that time period. It's the one with Ian at the show.

    Let's start off over a decade. Our former leader, Derek Gangland, was toying with the idea to start a new Chicago Skinhead gang because the older crews were old and lousy to the skinhead world. The original members consisted of Derek, Chance, and Scrapy, but they didn't have a name for themselves as of yet. Derek soon came up with the name 'Brew and Honour' Skins but soon dropped it after he was reading some Spirit of 69-esque book about football hooligans. He then came across some old footie crew with the name 'something'-Mafia. He decided that Chi-Town Mafia was the perfect name for our gang, given its dual nods to Chicago's infamous organized crime past and to the hooliganism aspect of the subculture's history.

    Around the time of the conception of C.M.S. there was another crew that was forming. This one was quite different because it consisted of a bunch of angry tooled-up punk-rockers. They were calling themselves the 'Chi-Town 77 Street Punks. I wasn't there but I can only assume that the two crews met each other near Belmont and Clark- which at that time was the hot-spot for Skinheads and Punks to drink and buy gear.

    The Chi-Town Mafia Skins and the '77' Street punks had similar goals for the scene: They believed in the power of unity, wanted a strong music scene, and were both disgruntled with the current scene. Chicago was ruled with an ugly Iron Fist before hand and every band or foreign Skinhead that came to the city was met with a mob with the intention to make a name for them selves. It was ridiculous and we had no fun around here. Both Crews had enough and then decided to become major players within the scene by promoting their crews and bands together. For the first time ever Skinheads and Punks were united in the City of Chicago. The power of unity was about having fun, going out drinking, playing in a band, being proud to be a Skin or a punk, and serving the scene as a whole. This agenda of ours didn't sit well with the older Skinheads and hardcore types because real deep down they didn't care about the scene and because of this wars were forged. Now, we all knew what our goals were and serving the music scene, but it never really happened until just recently because these wars were holding back and for most of us the gang oriented life-style was the rule.
    Today we are the present force on the North-side of Chicago and with the old Chicago regime collapsing it has freed up the scene quite a bit. There are many new bands and faces emerging and we still retain what were best known for- having a good time.

    Here is a few pics of SHOC, CBH, and FEAR CITY. I also sent a few pics of us so you can see the difference between us and all them. I mean com' on it's plain to see why we get pointed out as racists/nazis or whatever. we are all white or as it seems, we look good and skinhead, we have youth, we have the chicks, and were having fun.

    As far as the Bully boys show goes. I don't know how that rumor got out but that's not true. I was trying to book a punk band to play with that had an ex-Bully boys member in it. I mean look at this bullshit I have to deal with. Fucking geez. For Christs sake, dudes were getting fired up because the girls dressed up like Nazis and Jews for Halloween. Christ!!! They want us to fold and they want Chicago to be disgusting. We are skinheads and punks, that think and dress the part. We are not gang bangers, drug dealers, Marxist, or street-fascist's such as all these jerks. If these cunts destroy us then fuck it's all lost. I mean everywhere but Chicago, people think we are the greatest thing ever. They see something that they wish they had in there city - a thriving skinhead and punk scene that is more proper then what they have. We all (77/cms) love their friends and family, country, city, style and music. If these guys win - the future generation will have no style or music worth a damn nor a mentality to love their country and friends. Everybody will be a slave to a very strict point of view without any pride for who they really are.I mean - fuck more then half of these jerks are undercover commies so it just makes sense. I tried my best to use my negotiating skills to buy time to build up something strong to counter react to what/is coming. The balance of power is ready to be tilted again and this is what i got. There was no way of overcoming our reputations, and as-long as were proper skins and punks, then we will always be nazis and racists to these people, but I did get enough pull from outsiders that understand what I'm doing - however they arent troops so its not like they can say or do anything to safe my ass on the street. CBH and FEAR CITY haven't said anything yet but I don't trust any of them. It's time to put the fear of skinhead and punk back into the fold. We have to have a meeting or something and I have to get you guys to understand that we are not on that white power non-sense, cause I know some of you guys think that as well or I'm the root for all your troubles cause I'm not. Yeah a few of us are proud to be white of European decent but for the part not everybody gives a fuck. For the most part that attitude is just there cause we know that we are the predominate white crew that everybody loves to hate. Nothing more then that. Look at those photos of all those guys, they are pretty much all Hispanic or Jews (not that you can tell) but yeah what do you think were going to think or act when these fuckers are trying to tell us that we have to be on some "Nazi hunting adventures" or else. Like I said I'm not getting pushed to decide a side of the fence as they put it. Thats what we fought so hard to eliminate. Anyways I don't feel to goo right now. Ill send the pics and well talk.

    Part 23: Conversation from Eric to Jimmy Trejo

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    Erich Scott April 10, 2011 at 13:34
    Actually the left-wing Mexi skins started by sieg heiling the KSS guys then when shit went down, they backed down and let the by standers deal with them which nobody did until a few bottles almost hit my girlfriend in the face. History after that!!! Long story short WP guys for the most have moved on and our doing their own thing for quite a bit now but these left-wing closet posers are still leeching on the scene, pulling the strings on mindless fools that embrace anti-racist ideals. These Marxist are given leeway by the anti-racist and so called traditional skins because they are fans of reggae and soul music. They need to be sorted out if anything. Long story short I'm American and was born in the 80's so reggae, hip pop and other music that these blacks have conjured up is just french to me. I have no connection to black culture what-so-ever other then a music style of called ska that is now defunct. I'm a fan of ska and play it when ever possible but that note is retro just like the people that buy all those records and claim to a Skinhead at their soul nights. I like my music, angry, white, right-wing and loud, sue me! It goes with times as it did in the 80's. If you're not a fan of it then that's on you and there's nothing wrong with that, but skins from all backgrounds do listen to this music because for the most part it speaks the truth and is and always will be the nature of the skinhead working class. If people can't see it then the left-wing sediment that hinders their agenda has got them hooked. Skinhead is a patriot, nationalist, warrior and from there the world view from your point of view takes it place however you want to take it.
    Erich Scott April 10, 2011 at 13:33
    That's true this is America and it is made up of the people of the world as everybody put their share in; in this country, but you can't go around calling people Boneheads over in Europe for being white Nationalists in their home countries. Just saying. Also they did separate themselves from the skinhead scene after awhile. Most of them like bands like Brutal Attack wanted nothing to do with the oi movement as he saw them in it just for the money. Most of skins that did pack up and join the Blood and Honour movement did come out of the 2-tone age also and were very aware the white working class skins hung out and adapted to the whole rude boy lifestyle. R.A.C. was also a counter reaction to the Rock against racism movement which most if not all bands were to the extreme left such as the Clash way before it was a front for National Socialism so it only makes sense. I understand the whole 'bonehead' thing if you're talking about those jerks on 'Skinheads USA' but you can't bust balls on the British and European skins that were living this lifestyle and adapted to another before me or you were born.

    Part 24: Conversation with Eric and Mickey

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    Erich Scott to Mickey Moriarty June 9, 2011 at 23:53
    Yeah don't trust the guy that took the responsibility (cause it was my fault) on helping getting you off on two court cases that we were arrested for. In one case I lied on the stand and told the jurors that you didn't strike anybody when you did. Don't trust the guy that took you in when you refused to live in your lovely home that you have there. Whatever the list goes on. We both have done some dumb shit, and had each-others back, but at least I can honor my friends word. You didn't even bother to call me about it. Really? Over some half Mexican chick huh? Sorry dude but you can't blame me for the people that I bring out, that you (not loki) kick it with, when a year and a half ago you were bringing around a Jew and loud mouth Puerto rican to my apartment. Did I care? Nope? Cause I honor what my friends do, even thou how fucked it may be. I've been a skin for 17 years and ive been thru some crazy shit but this is bullshit. You can't just smarten up in your life with true convictions that you set aside for yourself and then throw it all in my face like that. Good for you cause you have a direction in life but I'm telling you right now you'll have no true friends, like you did with us from here on out with the attitude you're displaying. I know you're an honorable person, but easily manipulated by bullshit. That's one thing I've never exploited but others have and will. Don't worry I still don't feel bad for putting a few people in their spot the other day that live in this part of the neighborhood that have been eying you. As usual you can do what you please and walk freely but I can't hold the wall up forever. It's not about numbers but mentality and i'll never be able to break these cunts fully. Make sure not to do anything fucking stupid otherwise you'll find me in your business backing you up if you're going to remain a skin in the loop. It will never be about you, or whatever idiots are out there. It's about us - may it be only one or twenty but it's about us - the crazies that keep the balance. Glad you got your shit together, but disappointed that you can't honor your friends when they honored you. The only thing you can be salty about is what I'm about to say; It's sad that you took the words of a few bitches over the mob that honored you. I'm sure there is other reasons but you brought that one up. It's on you and that's your rep. I'm sure my rep to you and that bitch Rachael is that I'm a race traitor that brings around browns and manipulates them to have sex with the crew but at the end of the day it's only you two that believe that and it's not true at all. It's pretty fucking sad. Too bad you never picked up the pieces on Rachael's so called white power bullshit. Ask yourself, doesn't she have a DMS ROCKS shirt because she has or does fuck a few members? That crew is mixed raced with skins and drugged-up gangsters and very anti-white nationalist. It's funny how so called white power she could be when she was fucking a 20 year old skinhead that was mentality fucked.

    Mickey Moriarty June 9, 2011 at 23:53
    I can't trust you on the topic of the half-chicano broad for a few reasons. First, she told me that she asked you if she should come clean and inform me of her racial impurity, and that you said no. Secondly, you changed your story about that night. On the car ride home, you said that you wingmanned it so I could get with her. Dan can confirm this story. Just today, you told me that we made it into a competition, and that I had won. Third, she had no reason to tell me the truth. In fact, lying about the subject would've been in her best interest since she liked me so much. However, her respect for my decisions drove her to tell me everything about the whole situation.

    Erich Scott June 10, 2011 at 1:22
    Sounds solid but that's not true (I think) but yeah I see your point. I'm pretty sure I said that to Dan while you were right there in the car. You had so much confidence that you owned that shit so I went off into my crazy exaggerations like I had something to do with it. You know how I twist everything around for a laugh. Dude I didn't know she was half Mexican nor did she come up to me. She freaked out after-wards and probably said a lot of things to try to smooth it over with you. She's a young girl!!! You guys hooked up and left up stairs before i could blink. The only time I brought up her being Mexican before WE knew about it was when I said "this is the chick that I pointed out to you that was hot" on facebook that you wanted nothing to do with cause she "looked" brown. Geez. We did make a bet that night - not a real one but i was like "I'm bringing out this chick for myself but since there wont be any other chicks - let the best man win" because I know you needed to get laid. Dude we were just messing around and it was just guy stuff. Either way bro it's all bullshit considering the fact that I said I was sorry then that it happened for something I had no control over. Dude I knew you got upset about it and I was upset that you did like her ,but fuck I tried to make it up to you which is ridiculous because why should I have. For month's I was running around trying to help you get over all the girl drama. I didn't do anything wrong but I went out of my way to bring girls out like fucking cupid which is fucking stressful. Sorry I wasn't taking ethic background checks but were you a few years ago while we were doing the same routine? You were changing right in front of us and we had to adapt to you - which is what friends do so don't blame me or anyone for not getting it correct when the time came. Besides we always asked the bitches before we stuck our dicks out what they were before anything happened or just used our judgment. Remember when you and Megan hooked up? Did I or did I not say 'Hey Mickey it's all cool because this one is Scandinavian, She's white so don't worry"? I learned from my mistake on not checking their backgrounds for you!!! I dealt with your life issues as best as i could and tried to be a good friend dude but this is all bullshit!!! Mickey go do whatever the fuck you want in this world but don't blame others for your 'Not so white past'. Especially since you were messing around with non-whites way before me. Move the fuck on and forget about it, but don't make up excuses to hate the people that tried help you or blind yourself by their true actions with non-sense conjured up. Move on to the next chapter in your life just like everybody else did. Man up on your mistakes and triumphs. You should of brought this up when we talked before I went to Spain. I asked you if there was anything else on your mind and you said you didn't in a good relaxed manor so I'm fucking pissed that this is an issue now. The point of me going to Spain and YOU chilling out was so we can both get our head in the game and proper for the summer. Dude, we hold court in this city in more ways then anyone can comprehend at the moment. I've changed alot and I'm adapting my life style to my new way of thinking which is more or less on the same page as you. We were supposed to put the past behind and move on on our own terms. It seems to me that you didn't do your part because I didn't hear about this issue from your mouth but from the grapevine at first. At this point there is nothing more to say. I'll squash this shit whenever but it's oblivious were not hanging out this summer. Keep in mind since you never figured out my job with all you guys. It's my job to guide you guys into the direction that is conformable for you after seeing the truth in this world; not tell you guys what to think or do! Being a skinhead is always about progression or deterioration of ones self with their experiences. I keep it real and hope the best but fuck I've always been a good fucking friend the best i could.


    1. Wow that was funny. I am glad my wisdom on Ron Paul is featured too haha. How any of that proves that Eric is a Nazi is well beyond me. You guys, that is the ones who waste your pathetic lives in this venture, are truly pitiful creatures who deserve every ounce of sympathy for your low station in life that you can attain. I have been around for awhile, but i must admit as PC commie sympathizers go, you guys are probably the most hilariously useless. Do you actually think your doing the right thing or helping the world with these useless e-mails? Is it your intention to strike fear into the hearts of those who dare not agree with you? Well you are failing on all counts. I guess it was Eric saying that he was not a Nazi that lead you to add the word "EXPOSED!" or was it his intentions to go and see a ska band that really drove the point home? YOU ARE PATHETIC but do you really expect me to believe that you are also dumb enough to think that this kind of thing fools anyone beyond a 4th grade education? What a joke.

    2. "so do me a favor and tell him that i just want him to say WHAT HAPPENDED nothing more, nothing less."

      Hmm now see that would seem to indicate that I was actually telling the truth. You claim here I am lying, but if that was the case wouldn't i have said "tell Ryan to just say I didn't hit them anyway," or something to that effect? Huh? You stupid ass motherfuckers?

      Who ever is making these things should definitely not consider a career in criminal law at any point in the future. That advice is free of charge.

    3. 'and that we are NOT on that white power non-sense, cause I know some of you guys think that as well or I'm the root for all your troubles cause I'm not. Yeah a few of us are proud to be white of European decent but for the most part not everybody gives a fuck.'


      Again, would a Nazi say this? No. And being proud of your heritage isn't racist. I should think that would be obvious, but obvious things seem to evade your simple minds. i don't know how much simpler it can get, or how your vacant skulls are so impossibly unable to be penetrated by reality. So then it must be that you have no lives and so you fill in those lonely, desperate, fleeting moments between intelligent thoughts with slander and delusional self worship. sad.

    4. No one should be giving anyone's personal information out. Expose Eric for being a racist and a white pride/nationalist sympathizer, sure. But giving his personal information out is inexcusable and childish.

      - Chicago S.H.A.R.P.

    5. I disagree. Eric is a Cockbag. We checked him out as well and we can truthfully say, He is a douchebag. If he didnt want people finding out he was a Racist, he shouldnt have said it.

      Also Is Pablo still the doorman for the Double Door? Someone should look into that shit, is that fair?

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